NCP Second Tranche Assessment Water: Introduction Volume 2 Contents B10 Water Reform B 10.1 In t r o d u c t i o n B10.1.1 B10.1.2 B10.1.3 B 10.2 B 10.3 B 10.4 B 10.5 B 10.6 B 10.7 B 10.8 B 10.9 Water reform commitments Assessing water reform Executive Summary of jurisdictions' assessments 266 266 27 1 27 3 27 8 3 66 442 512 582 624 67 4 7 10 7 44 7 62 N e w So u t h W a l e s Victo ria Qu e e n s l a n d Western Aust ralia South Austra lia Tas m ani a Australian Capital Territory Northern Ter ritory B 1 0 . 1 0 M u r r a y Da r l i n g Ba s i n Co m m i s s i o n B iblio graphy i T a b l e s , Ch a p t e r B1 0 B10.2 NSW 10.2.1 Financial performance of Sydney Water Corporation and Hunter Water Corporation, 1996-1997 10.2.2 Institutional arrangements in New South Wales water industry 10.2.3 Institutional arrangements in New South Wales metropolitan water industry 10.2.4 Cost recovery for New South WalesÕ NMUs with more than 10 000 connections 10.2.5 Tariff structures for New South WalesÕ NMUs with more than 10Ê000 connections B10.3 Victo ria 10.3.1 Water trading in Victoria, 1991-1997 10.3.2 Water Exchange, Goulburn Murray Rural Water Authority, 4ÊFebruaryÊ1999 10.3.3 Victorian NMU Cost recovery B10.4 Queen sland 10.4.1 Financial performance of Brisbane Water and Gold Coast Water, 1997-1998. 10.4.2 Financial information for Queensland bulk water suppliers 10.4.3 Tariff structures for Brisbane Water and Gold Coast Water 10.4.4 Cost recovery of Queensland local government water and sewerage providers, 1996-1997 10.4.5 CSOs provided by Queensland local government water and sewerage activities 10.4.6 Queensland Water Allocation and Management Plan/Water Management Plan Timetable B10.5 Weste rn Australia 10.5.1 Financial performance of the Water Corporation, 1997-1998 10.5.2 Institutional role separation in the Western Australia water industry B10.7 Tasma nia 10.7.1: Past and projected financial performance indictors, 1992-93 to 2001-02 10.7.2: Maximum, target and project revenues for metropolitan bulk water authorities B10.8 Austr alian Capital Territory 10.8.1 Financial performance of ACTEW, 1997-1998. B10.9 North ern Territory 10.9.1: PAWA financial information for water, sewerage and total activities, 1997-98 B10.6 South Australia 10.6.1: Financial performance by business segment, 1997-98 10.6.2: Residential water pricing, 1988-89 to 1997-98 F i g u r e s , Ch a p t e r B1 0 B10.3 Victo ria 10.3.1 Victorian Regulatory Profile 10.3.2 Regulatory Framework Victorian Rural Water Services B10.6 South Australia 10.6.1 Project Initiation Process B 10.Tas m ania B10.7.1 Location of existing & continuous water quality monitoring sites in Tasmania