NSW IRRIGATORS’ COUNCIL Level 6, 139 Macquarie Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 ACN: 002 650 204 ABN: 49 087 281 746 Tel: 02 9251 8466 Fax: 02 9251 8477 info@nswirrigators.org.au www.nswirrigators.org.au 14 April 2004 John Feil Executive Director National Competition Council GPO Box 250B MELBOURNE VIC 3001 Dear Mr Feil Water Reform Assessment Framework 2004 The NSW Irrigators’ Council welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the National Competition Council’s Water Reform Assessment Framework 2004. Council’s submission is attached. I would reiterate the criticism that Council recently made to the Federal Treasurer: that it appears that the NCC and the Federal Government have no comprehension of the amount of industry and community resources currently being applied to participate in the water reform processes currently underway around the nation. Unlike politicians and bureaucrats, this Council’s activities are not funded by taxpayers, instead, they are fully funded from resources received from its membership base. It is, therefore, disappointing to note that the NCC’s Assessment is being carried out during a period of immense national debate on water reform that may well significantly change the landscape and address many of the issues raised in this Assessment process. In short, you have embarked on a very wasteful exercise that would have been better delayed for some months to enable the COAG debate to conclude. Should you require any elaboration of issues raised in this submission, I would be pleased to assist. Best regards DOUG MIELL CHIEF EXECUTIVE Member Organisations: Border Rivers Food & Fibre, Coleambally Irrigation Co-Op Ltd, Cotton Australia, Darling River Food & Fibre, Gwydir Valley Irrigators’ Association Inc., Hunter Valley Water Users’ Association, Lachlan Valley Water, Macquarie River Food & Fibre, Murray Irrigation Limited, Murray Valley Groundwater Users Association, Murray Valley Water Diverters’ Association, Murrumbidgee Groundwater Pumpers’ Association, Murrumbidgee Horticultural Council Inc., Murrumbidgee Irrigation Ltd, Murrumbidgee Private Irrigators’ Inc., Namoi Valley Water Users’ Association, NSW Farmers’ Dairy Committee, NSW Farmers’ Association, Ricegrowers’ Association of Australia, Southern Riverina Irrigation Districts Council & South Western Water Users’.