NATIONAL COMPETITION COUNCIL MEDIA RELEASE Level 12 Casselden Place 2 Lonsdale Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 2 February 2000 GPO Box 250B MELBOURNE VIC 3001 LEGISLATION REVIEW COMPENDIUM THIRD EDITION The National Competition Council has released the third edition of its National Competition Policy Legislation Review Compendium. Under NCP, all governments are reviewing legislative restrictions on competition and removing those restrictions unless they can show the restriction is in the community interest and is necessary to achieve the objective of the legislation. Over 1700 regulations are being reviewed. Governments have until the end of this year to complete their programs. Significant areas of regulation being reviewed include laws governing retail trading hours, marketing of agricultural products, occupations and professions, and health and other insurance services. The Compendium summarises review and reform activity from June 1996, when all governments established their review schedules, to November 1999. It shows that governments are continuing to make progress against their review obligations but still have some work to do to complete their programs by the agreed target date of end2000. The Compendium is a key reference for people with an interest in competition policy. It is accessible on the Council’ website: Printed copies are s available from the Council. For further comment contact: Mr Ed Willett (03) 9285 7474