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Topic: Social regulation - other Document Type: All Jurisdiction: All Keywords: All Year: All
101. Commonwealth 1997 Progress Report
...commonwealth 1997 progress report commonwealth competitive neutrality annual report 1996-97 fir...AST1V2-003.pdf - 316.7KB - 1.00 relevance
102. National Competition Council 2004, Ncc Occasional Series - Microeconomic Reform In Australia Comparison To Other Oecd Countries November 2004 Ausinfo Canberra
...ncc occasional series microeconomic reform in australia comparison to other oecd countries november...PCRevsub-002.pdf - 3.4MB - 1.00 relevance
103. Council Of Australian Governments' Meeting (Coag) Communique - Feb 10 2006
...council of australian governments’ meeting 10 february 2006 communique the council of australian gov...Council of Australian Governments Meeting - 10 February 2006.pdf - 101.6KB - 1.00 relevance
104. Chapter 14 Western Australia - Assessment Of Governments' Progress In Implementing The National Competition Policy And Related Reforms: Volume 1 Assessment Melbourne October 2004
...14 western australia a1 agricultural commodities marketing of eggs act 1945 in 2003 the national co...AST6vol1- WA.pdf - 329.8KB - 1.00 relevance
105. Chapter 3 .Impacts On Urban, Rural And Regional Communities National Competition Policy: Some Impacts On Society And The Economy January 1999
...3. impacts on urban,rural and regional communities 3.1 overview there is little evidence to date...OINcpIm-005.pdf - 122.0KB - 1.00 relevance
106. National Competition Policy Payments To States And Territories For 2005 Ncp 2005 Assessment October 2005 treasurer release no. 113 national competition policy payments to stat...AST7As- Treasurers press release.pdf - 23.6KB - 1.00 relevance
107. Referenfces And Index Appendix 1 The Ncp Public Interest National Competition Policy: Some Impacts On Society And The Economy January 1999
...appendix 1: the ncp public interest test under clause 1(3) of the competition principles agreement...OINcpIm-007.pdf - 117.7KB - 1.00 relevance
108. National Competition Council Annual Report 2002-2003
... commonwealth of australia 2002 isbn 0-9751434–1–7 issn 1327–4570 this work is subject to copyright...PIAn03-001.pdf - 901.7KB - 1.00 relevance
109. Chapter 3 New South Wales National Competition Council 2001 Legislation Review Compendium Fourth Edition Feb 2002
...3 new south wales agency abbreviations the following abbreviations are used in the ‘agency’ column...LECo-005.pdf - 201.3KB - 1.00 relevance
110. Chapter 6 Western Austrralia National Competition Council 2001 Legislation Review Compendium Fourth Edition Feb 2002
...6 western australia agency abbreviations the following abbreviations are used in the ‘agency’ colu...LECo-008.pdf - 256.8KB - 1.00 relevance