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252 matching results Topic: Primary industries - other Document Type: All Jurisdiction: All Keywords: All Year: All

41. Chapter 7 South Australia Legislation Review Compendium Fifth Edition February 2004

...7 south australia agency abbreviations the following abbreviations are used in the ‘agency’ column...
LRC04-008.pdf - 233.1KB - 1.00 relevance

42. Chapter 3 Victoria Legislation Review Compendium Third Edition December 1999

...3 victoria 3.1 guide to the victorian legislation review schedule legislation review in 1996, the ...
LRC03-004.pdf - 265.9KB - 1.00 relevance

43. Chapter 15 South Australia - Ncp 2005 Assessment Of Governments' Progress In Implementing The National Competition Policy And Related Reforms: 2005 October 2005

...15 chapter number 15 south australia a1 agricultural commodities1 barley marketing act 1993 the b...
AST7As-001-chapter 15 SA.pdf - 181.7KB - 1.00 relevance

44. 1997 Queensland Progress Report

...queensland 1997 queensland progress report queensland’s annual report to the national competit...
AST1V2-006.pdf - 413.7KB - 1.00 relevance

45. Appendix C Ncp Contacts Ncp Second Tranche Assessment

...ncp second tranche assessment appendix c appendix c ncp contacts further information regarding ncp...
AST2V1Pb-013.pdf - 16.8KB - 1.00 relevance

46. National Competition Council 2002, Assessment Of Governments Progress In Implementing The National Competition Policy And Related Reforms, Volume One: Assessment , August 2002

... commonwealth of australia 2002 isbn 0-9578892-9-1 this work is subject to copyright. apart from an...
AST4As-001.pdf - 257.3KB - 1.00 relevance

47. Chapter 13 Agriculture And Related Activities National Competition Council 2001 Assessment Of Governments Progress In Implementing The National Competition Policy And Related Reforms, June 2001

...13 agriculture and related activities agriculture is a significant sector of australia’s economy, co...
AST3As-015.pdf - 136.0KB - 1.00 relevance

48. National Competition Council Annual Report 2000-2001

...national competition council annual report 2000 - 2001 i  commonwealth of australia 2001 isbn 0-...
PIAn01-001.pdf - 1006.6KB - 1.00 relevance

49. National Competition Council 2005 Assessment Of Governments Progress In Implementing The National Competition Policy And Related Reforms October 2005

...assessment of governments' progress in implementing the national competition policy and related refo...
AST7As-cover, TOC.pdf - 419.2KB - 1.00 relevance

50. Part B6 The Conduct Code Agreement Ncp Second Tranche Assessment Vol 1

...ncp second tranche assessment conduct code agreement b6 the conduct code agreement b 6 . 1 th e c ...
AST2V1Pb-007.pdf - 32.0KB - 1.00 relevance
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